What is commercial distribution? |What is the position in distribution and the difference from distribution?
Commercial distribution is a type of distribution, also known as commercial distribution/transaction distribution, which mainly refers to the circulation of transactions. Commercial distribution can also be said to be a sales transaction or the transfer of ownership of goods.
Although commodity circulation and logistics are different words, they are closely related in circulation. By understanding the relationship between commodity circulation and logistics in economic activities, we can exchange products with customers and purchase with business partners. I think you can understand the flow.
This time, I will explain the importance of this kind of commercial distribution and why this kind of commercial distribution is also necessary for logistics.
Commercial distribution refers to commercial transaction activities such as sales transactions. Also called commercial distribution/transactional distribution. Commercial transaction activities are divided into three categories: "logistics", "money flow" and "commercial flow". For example, the transfer of ownership and information that occurs when placing an order with a supplier or receiving an order or purchasing a product is also a commercial distribution.
So what is the difference between "commercial distribution" and "logistics"?
Generally speaking, commercial circulation refers to the movement of ownership, capital, and information that occurred at that time, and logistics refers to the flow of goods from A to B.
Different from the flow of goods in logistics, the business flow is a transaction flow such as the delivery of order data, inventory management, and sales management.
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